Success Story: Amy

I have treasured memories of many fun evenings spent at home with my two cherubs [...]

Success Story: Wendy

Our little rascal is doing well. So many things have fallen into place this year, [...]

Success Story: Parent

We are using CoordiKids Home Course with my young adult child with special needs for [...]

The Sensory Overload Anxiety: A Guide for Parents to Help Kids Self-Regulate

Delve into what sensory overload anxiety is, how it affects children, and how to help [...]

Fun Proprioception Activities for Kids Who Struggle to Focus

One effective way to support a child who has difficulty focusing or sitting still is [...]


Fun and Effective Online Occupational Therapy for Kids with Developmental Delays

Online occupational therapy offers personalised strategies to boost your child’s development in a fun and [...]

Does My Child Have ADHD? A Step-By-Step Guide for Concerned Parents

In this article, we will explore what ADHD is, what it looks like, and what [...]

Exploring Alternative ADHD Treatments: Mindfulness, Neurofeedback, and Specific Diets

Parents are now exploring alternative ADHD treatments, focusing on holistic and natural methods to help [...]


Celebrating the Positives of ADHD: Unleashing Creativity, Energy, and Problem-Solving Skills

Explore the positives of ADHD, such as creativity, high energy, and exceptional problem-solving skills and [...]

Navigating ADHD: Tackling Executive Function, Emotional Dysregulation, and Social Skill Deficits

ADHD manifests in various ways, often leading to specific challenges such as executive function difficulties. [...]

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