Does My Child Have ADHD? A Step-By-Step Guide for Concerned Parents

In this article, we will explore what ADHD is, what it looks like, and what [...]

Exploring Alternative ADHD Treatments: Mindfulness, Neurofeedback, and Specific Diets

Parents are now exploring alternative ADHD treatments, focusing on holistic and natural methods to help [...]

Celebrating the Positives of ADHD: Unleashing Creativity, Energy, and Problem-Solving Skills

Explore the positives of ADHD, such as creativity, high energy, and exceptional problem-solving skills and [...]

Navigating ADHD: Tackling Executive Function, Emotional Dysregulation, and Social Skill Deficits

ADHD manifests in various ways, often leading to specific challenges such as executive function difficulties. [...]

Supercharge Your Child’s Focus: Attention Boosters for Better Concentration

Several effective attention boosters are simple exercises designed to improve your child's concentration and focus [...]

Navigating ADHD: Understanding Common Co-Occurring Conditions

You might already be navigating ADHD and its core symptoms, such as inattention, hyperactivity, and [...]

Helping Your Child Flourish with Sensory Integration Therapy

At CoordiKids, we understand sensory integration therapy impact, we are dedicated to helping your child [...]

Let’s Get Active: Fun Ways to Keep Your Body Moving!

Fun Ways to Keep Your Body Moving in the right direction. Kids will love to [...]

How to avoid the summer slide

The summer slide is when children go "backwards" during long breaks in therapy such as [...]

Understanding Low Functioning Autism: Signs, Challenges, and Support

Low functioning autism, also known as severe autism, presents unique challenges for individuals and their [...]

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