Children’s Mental Health and the Pandemic, Activities & Listening Games for Kids

Kids will be kids, and that’s no different in a post-pandemic world. One of the main [...]

Dyspraxia vs Developmental Coordination Disorder. Clumsiness Symptoms

Energetic kids can be clumsy – really clumsy. But, when clumsiness affects a child’s ability [...]

Live Q&A with Marga Grey & Liz London – CoordiKids Courses Explained

Oh there are plenty of kids who find that tricky. They might be able to [...]

Live Q&A with Marga Grey & Lizanne du Plessis – Preparing for Fireworks & Thunderstorms for Children with Different Types of Sensory Disorders

Marga Grey, Paediatric Occupational Therapist and Lizanne du Plessis, OT, answer everyday questions parents of [...]

Live Q&A with Marga Grey & Colette Dekker – Reluctance & Refusal, Reward Systems

Summary & Transcript from Live Q&A on Reluctance & Refusal, Reward Systems, and Whining

Sensory Meltdown: When a Tantrum Becomes More

There are so many reasons a child could have a meltdown. In my area of [...]


Sensitive Children in Quarantine and How to Help Them Thereafter

We’re continuing our discussion of strategies to help sensitive children adjust to life after quarantine.

Sensitive Children in Quarantine Help Them to Adjust to Life After Quarantine Part 1

We talk a lot about daily routines with our children. We’ve been talking even more [...]

Chore Ideas for Kids Helping With Housework

With kids out of school for the past month (or more, depending on your region’s [...]

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Live Q&A-Occupational Therapy for Children with ADHD

I have a question about kids with ADHD. In the afternoon, what are the best [...]

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