How to Help Your Child LOVE Food – 3 Tips for an Extreme Picky Eater Diagnosis

There are many reasons your child could be avoiding food and seem like an extreme [...]

What Does an Occupational Therapist Do for a Child? A Secret About Your Therapist!

I want to let you in on a little secret about we therapists. We don’t [...]

Get Your Family Eating Together For Success

If you have a picky eater in your house it is more than likely you [...]

Introducing Virtual Occupational Therapy via CoordiKids Consultation!

CoordiKids is a leading platform for parents and children to access virtual therapy and support, [...]

Pediatric Occupational Therapy Described in Memes!

Would you ever have imagined - Pediatric Occupational Therapy - described in 'memes'?  We've collected [...]

How Do You Feel Today Chart

How do you feel? Trial some Strategies to be more like Codi


New LEGO® Study Demonstrates Importance of Play in Early Childhood Development

Play forms an essential part of childhood development because it contributes to cognitive, physical and [...]

Mindfulness in the Classroom : Middle School and Older

We talk quite a bit about ways to encourage the proper development of our young [...]

What Do I Do if I Think My Child Has Sensory Processing Disorder Symptoms?

Almost every week, I sign into Coordi Consultations for a meeting with a new parent [...]

Teachers: Kindergarten Readiness Assessment and Underlying Issues

There is no single aspectof development that defines if a child is ready for school. [...]

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