Midbrain Development Exercises for Boosting Motor Skills Development

In this article we’re focusing on at-home (or at-the-park!) midbrain development exercises that you can [...]

8 Support Strategies for Siblings of Children with a Learning Difficulty

In continuing this month’s theme of support for siblings of children with a learning disability, [...]

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My Special Brother, Oisin – Catering to Siblings of Children with Special Needs

Learning to care for a child with any type of special needs is difficult for [...]

Teaching Emotional Regulation Skills – A Teacher’s Best Tool

I’d like to take the opportunity this week to highlight one of our course: CoordiKids [...]

An Easy and Comprehensive Curriculum for Teaching Self Regulation in Children

One of the most important lessons for our kids to learn is that of self-regulation. [...]


Step-by-Step Guide to Troubleshoot & Improve Children’s Handwriting Skills

Handwriting forms a part of our daily lives and remains important in education and eventually [...]

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ADHD Organizational Skills – Can the KonMari Method Help Your Child?

Can the KonMari Method Make a Difference in Your Child’s ADHD Organizational Skills? Since the [...]

How to Boost Mental Accuity by Allowing Children to Barefoot Play

We recently shared an article that discussed the wonderful benefits children enjoy by gardening.

Children’s Garden Fun – Encouraging Outdoor Time & Respect for Nature

Gardening is such a fun way to encourage outdoor time! It also nurtures in youngsters [...]

Outdoor Activities for Kids: Beach vs Snow

We hope you’ve all enjoyed a relaxing and fun holiday season with your families! And [...]

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