Picky Eating Disorder: How to Help Your Picky Eater

It may seem that most children are picky eaters.  In fact it sometimes seems like [...]

Gift Wrapping to Help Your Child With Fine Motor Skills Development

We see messages all the time. Parents crying out to help their child, not realising [...]

10 Vital Tips to Prepare for Holiday Sensory Activities This Season

If your child has ADD, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, or is highly sensitive, the holidays [...]

Dyspraxia Symptoms in Children – How to Help + the Dyspraxia Checklist

s your son or daughter constantly losing things? Do you spend each morning scolding him [...]

Tips on Handling Noisy Places and Meltdowns with a Child Sensitive to Loud Noise

If you have a child sensitive to noise, you know just how it can interrupt [...]

How to Get Kids to Eat Healthy Snacks – Despite Halloween

Anticipation of Halloween seems to consume a whole month, leading up to an event much [...]

Tactile Sensitivity Explained. My Child Doesn’t Want to Wear Clothes

As Halloween approaches, I start getting questions from parents about the best ways to prepare [...]


Tips for the Highly Sensitive Child Parenting Strategies During Halloween

If you have a child scared of Halloween, it can make this annual event one [...]

Do The ADHD Test For Kids

Have you seen the video going around Facebook about the barber shop that offered a [...]

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