Parents’ Influence on Children’s Physical Activity

It seems there are two types of people. Firstly, there are those who have fond [...]

5 Ways on How to Limit Children’s Screen Time and Get Them Out the Door

Since the dawn of television and its successor, the video game, a battle between parents [...]

How does screen time affect brain development

Limiting children's screen time is not the easiest of things to do.  In today's world, [...]

Movement in the Classroom: How to Keep Children Active and Improve Motor Skills

The latest research in early childhood development supports what has been known for a long [...]

ADHD Test – CoordiKids Can Help if Your Child is Struggling at School

As parents, it’s so difficult to see our children struggling. Moving to a new place, [...]

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5 Ways Movement Breaks in the Classroom Help With Behaviour

Teachers, how much physical activity do your students get every day? Does your school incorporate [...]


7 Ways Forward-Thinking Schools Include Effective Movement Breaks in the Classroom

7 Ways Forward-Thinking Schools Include Effective Movement Breaks in the Classroom

5 Ways to Improve Sensory Functioning in the Classroom

How much easier could our teachers' lives be if behavior in the classroom were not [...]

The School Readiness Checklist – Prepping for Common Problems in Kindergarten

Children who have never been for formal daycare or preschool might face one or many [...]

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7 Things a Parent Can Do If Their Child is Struggling at School

Throughout the years, I have seen kids who run into issues at school in Year [...]

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