When You Have a Child Struggling in Kindergarten: 9 Common Struggles & Solutions

As parents, we do our best to give our children the world. We do everything [...]


How To Improve Children’s Concentration and Focus in Grades 1 to 4

Focus, attention span, concentration – however you call it, this topic is a subject of [...]

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The 10 Best Tips for Long Car Rides with Kids – Tips for Kids with Sensory Issues

School’s out, and that means it’s time for summer vacations! But is just the thought [...]


Toys to Improve Fine Motor Skills with LEGO® Based Therapy

Did you know that LEGO® construction blocks can be more than just a fun game [...]

What is Dyspraxia? Use the Dyspraxia Test for Your Child to Know

Dyspraxia, dyslexia, ADHD, sensory processing disorders, autism spectrum disorder, Asperger’s.

5 Great Activities for Children with ADHD and ADD

We at Coordikids completely understand that finding the right style of activities for kids with [...]

Activities for Handwriting Skills

In a world of tablets and touch screens, computer keyboards and talk-to-text apps, the need [...]

Getting Ready for Bed: 10 Tips for Parents to Find the Best Bedtime Routine

Have you seen that movie with Adam Sandler where he has a magic remote that [...]

Are Your Kids Ready for Kindergarten?

Starting school is hard for kids and parents alike. If your child has ADD, ADHD [...]

Sensory Processing Disorder Treatment at Home?

At CoordiKids, we are passionate about giving all children the very best chance for success [...]

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