Success Story: Liz

My 3.5-year-old son was showing signs of what I heard referred to as Sensory Processing [...]

Success Story: Bonnie

The exercises are really easy, lots of fun and I could see a positive change [...]

Famous people with ADHD

There are many famous people with ADHD. Read about them and see how they are [...]


How Occupational Therapy Can Improve the Lives of Children with ADHD and Autism

How Occupational Therapy Can Improve the Lives of Children with ADHD and Autism. Learn more [...]

So what is ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects approximately 5-10% of children [...]

Developmental Co-ordination Disorder Dyspraxia): Understanding the Learning Difficulty and Ways to Support Individuals with Dyspraxia

Developmental coordination disorder or Dyspraxia manifests in many ways in persons diagnosed with it. Learn [...]

Occupational therapy activities at home

Occupational therapy activities at home can avoid long waiting lists and save money and time. [...]

Success Story: Veronica

My kids loved the CoordiKids videos and the exercises. But, we had difficulty with “He [...]

Executive Functioning in Children

Executive functioning in children is the ability to plan, focus, remember, and juggle multiple tasks. [...]

Overstimulated meaning a child with overwhelming sensory inputs

Overstimulated meaning that a child is overloaded with sensory information, new experiences, or demands from [...]

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