Success Story: Bay Terrace Early Childhood Center

We can’t say enough good things about this course. It complements our goal to enhance [...]

Success Story: Ruby

CoordiKids has helped me a lot. I started out by being distracted in class, and [...]

Success Story: Mark

We are making good use of the CoordiKids program and my sons’ teacher has noticed [...]

Success Story: Elley

I love your program! It’s been so fantastic for my son. We’re taking a bit [...]

Success Story: Marinet

CoordiKids is a wonderful evidence-based fun and intensive occupational therapy program that lays down the [...]

Helping Children Develop Fine Motor Skills in a Digital World

It’s so important for children to develop fine motor skills, but in the digital era, [...]


Developmental Milestones: Why is Fine and Gross Motor Skills Important

Today’s parents have so many more resources at their fingertips than we did a generation [...]


How to Identify Issues with Fine Motor Skills

What are fine motor skills, why are they important, and how do we identify issues [...]

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