How to avoid the summer slide

The summer slide is when children go "backwards" during long breaks in therapy such as [...]

Executive Functioning in Children

Executive functioning in children is the ability to plan, focus, remember, and juggle multiple tasks. [...]

Is Easter with less chocolate possible?

Nowadays, Easter is a candy- and chocolate-filled holiday. However, there are still fun ways to [...]

How to Identify Issues with Fine Motor Skills

What are fine motor skills, why are they important, and how do we identify issues [...]

How Do You Feel Today Chart

How do you feel? Trial some Strategies to be more like Codi


[Downloadable] 5 Whole Body Learning Activities for Motor-Enriched Learning in Preschool & Kindy

“Whole body learning” is a way for teachers and home schoolers to ensure students use [...]

An Easy and Comprehensive Curriculum for Teaching Self Regulation in Children

One of the most important lessons for our kids to learn is that of self-regulation. [...]


Dyspraxia Symptoms in Children – How to Help + the Dyspraxia Checklist

s your son or daughter constantly losing things? Do you spend each morning scolding him [...]

The School Readiness Checklist – Prepping for Common Problems in Kindergarten

Children who have never been for formal daycare or preschool might face one or many [...]

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What is Dyspraxia? Use the Dyspraxia Test for Your Child to Know

Dyspraxia, dyslexia, ADHD, sensory processing disorders, autism spectrum disorder, Asperger’s.

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