The Sensory Overload Anxiety: A Guide for Parents to Help Kids Self-Regulate

Delve into what sensory overload anxiety is, how it affects children, and how to help [...]

Helping Your Child Flourish with Sensory Integration Therapy

At CoordiKids, we understand sensory integration therapy impact, we are dedicated to helping your child [...]

Understanding Overstimulation: When a Child’s Senses Are Bombarded

Understanding overstimulation, why it happens, and how to support children is crucial for their well-being. [...]

Cultivating Growth: The Benefits of a Children’s Garden

In today's fast-paced world, finding tranquillity and connection with nature in a children's garden can [...]

1 Comment

Success Story: Michelle

It was clear my young daughter had sensory challenges. We had tried various OT interventions, [...]

Success Story: Marinet

CoordiKids is a wonderful evidence-based fun and intensive occupational therapy program that lays down the [...]

Success Story: Liz

My 3.5-year-old son was showing signs of what I heard referred to as Sensory Processing [...]

Occupational therapy activities at home

Occupational therapy activities at home can avoid long waiting lists and save money and time. [...]

Overstimulated meaning a child with overwhelming sensory inputs

Overstimulated meaning that a child is overloaded with sensory information, new experiences, or demands from [...]

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