Getting Ready for Bed: 10 Tips for Parents to Find the Best Bedtime Routine

Have you seen that movie with Adam Sandler where he has a magic remote that [...]

Success Stories: Kylie MacIntosh

My name is Kylie MacIntosh, and I’m an ECT (Early Childhood Trainer), and we are [...]

Success Stories: Kim

Tom’s kindy teacher recommended we make an appointment with Marga as she had identified some [...]

Parenting Mistakes that are easy to avoid

Did you see the guy in the coffee shop this morning? Did you see the [...]

Your child will benefit from exercise videos

Watching TV and videos are not the ideal way to spend time in childhood. Many studies [...]

CoordiKids Develops Your Brain Towards Mental Accuity

The easy to follow exercises of CoordiKids develops and organizes the brain. Why do some [...]

Handedness Age in Child Development. Dominant hand – left or right?

Why does handedness in childhood development matter? It is necessary to develop a dominant hand – [...]

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How to Improve Handwriting for Kids and Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills are skills that involve a refined use of the small muscles controlling the [...]

Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child

All parents want their child to be “happy”. They can go to great length to [...]

About CoordiKids

This unique childhood development program has been developed over many years of clinical experiences with [...]

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