Sensory Meltdown: When a Tantrum Becomes More

There are so many reasons a child could have a meltdown. In my area of [...]


Sensitive Children in Quarantine and How to Help Them Thereafter

We’re continuing our discussion of strategies to help sensitive children adjust to life after quarantine.

Sensitive Children in Quarantine Help Them to Adjust to Life After Quarantine Part 1

We talk a lot about daily routines with our children. We’ve been talking even more [...]

Chore Ideas for Kids Helping With Housework

With kids out of school for the past month (or more, depending on your region’s [...]

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Success Story: Tara M from USA

My kids have been using CoordiChild daily, and my 15-year-old now knows right from left.

Advantages of e-learning for Families – Why Video Learning is what Little Learners Need.

We are a few months into the COVID-19 pandemic, and parents are starting to worry [...]

Movement and the Brain: Moving Our Bodies to Move Our Brain!

It is no secret that exercise is good for the body. But many people don’t [...]

Dealing With Difficult Times

To provide extra-special support to our community of families in as many ways as possible [...]

What Does an Occupational Therapist Do for a Child? A Secret About Your Therapist!

I want to let you in on a little secret about we therapists. We don’t [...]

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