Introducing Virtual Occupational Therapy via CoordiKids Consultation!

CoordiKids is a leading platform for parents and children to access virtual therapy and support, [...]

Pediatric Occupational Therapy Described in Memes!

Would you ever have imagined - Pediatric Occupational Therapy - described in 'memes'?  We've collected [...]

Success Story: Trudie from South Africa

Wow, just wow! We are completely blown away with the results of the Coordikids program.

Try a Great Daily Routine for Kids: 5 Easy-Peasy ADHD Routines to Try

This month we’ve been exploring research (see our article The ADHD Routine: How Daily Routine [...]

The ADHD Routine: How Daily Routine for Kids with ADHD can be Beneficial

If you’re a parent of a child with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), you may [...]

Whole Body Learning Provides Healthy Challenges for Kids in Preschool

It’s back-to-school time for our American families and colleagues! Time to park the bicycles, tricycles [...]

Heavy Work Activities Your Children Will Love – And Benefit From

Did you know that there are certain exercises and types of play that your children [...]

Midbrain Development Exercises for Boosting Motor Skills Development

In this article we’re focusing on at-home (or at-the-park!) midbrain development exercises that you can [...]

8 Support Strategies for Siblings of Children with a Learning Difficulty

In continuing this month’s theme of support for siblings of children with a learning disability, [...]

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ADHD Organizational Skills – Can the KonMari Method Help Your Child?

Can the KonMari Method Make a Difference in Your Child’s ADHD Organizational Skills? Since the [...]

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