Picky Eating Disorder: How to Help Your Picky Eater

It may seem that most children are picky eaters.  In fact it sometimes seems like [...]

10 Vital Tips to Prepare for Holiday Sensory Activities This Season

If your child has ADD, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, or is highly sensitive, the holidays [...]

Tactile Sensitivity Explained. My Child Doesn’t Want to Wear Clothes

As Halloween approaches, I start getting questions from parents about the best ways to prepare [...]


Tips for the Highly Sensitive Child Parenting Strategies During Halloween

If you have a child scared of Halloween, it can make this annual event one [...]

Parents’ Influence on Children’s Physical Activity

It seems there are two types of people. Firstly, there are those who have fond [...]

ADHD Test – CoordiKids Can Help if Your Child is Struggling at School

As parents, it’s so difficult to see our children struggling. Moving to a new place, [...]

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How To Improve Children’s Concentration and Focus in Grades 1 to 4

Focus, attention span, concentration – however you call it, this topic is a subject of [...]

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What is Dyspraxia? Use the Dyspraxia Test for Your Child to Know

Dyspraxia, dyslexia, ADHD, sensory processing disorders, autism spectrum disorder, Asperger’s.

Activities for Handwriting Skills

In a world of tablets and touch screens, computer keyboards and talk-to-text apps, the need [...]

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