The easy to follow exercises of CoordiKids develops and organizes the brain towards mental accuity.
Why do some children and adults have disorganized brains?
1. Primitive Reflex maturity: A baby is born with reflexes to protect the child. These reflexes become integrated through the maturity of the nervous system and the brain. It can only happen through using the correct movements. Most children do these movements as part of normal development.
However, environment (yes, walking rings, supportive seating for babies are to blame as well!) and some medical issues such as general illness with low energy levels, multiple ear infections or upper respiratory infections prevent the normal development, exercises and inhibit some movements.
2. Postural Reflexes: These reflexes develop as the primitive reflexes integrates. We use most of them throughout our life. An example is to put your hands and arms out when you are falling
3. Reflexes and basic movement patterns such as rolling over, crawling, sitting, rotation of the body, standing and walking develop while the baby and young child moves and plays. The above mentioned environmental and medical issues are to blame for some children not developing all of these movement patterns at the expected time.
This leaves the child looking a bit clumsy or awkward, prevent optimal participation in movement activities and games. These children often avoid some exercises and movement activities because they do not receive positive feedback from their bodies and form others. They feel they are struggling and prefer to revert to stationary games such as watching TV.
Primitive reflexes, postural reflexes and movement patterns are controlled by the ‘lower brain’. The lower brain consists of the Brainstem (including the Pons), and the Midbrain (including the Cerebellum).
These structures organize our basic movements. The sensory pathways and structures in the brain are closely linked to the movement structures.
When primitive reflexes are retained and did not mature, when postural reflexes did not develop optimally and when basic movement patterns have been inhibited, the brain is not organized for optimal use.
These basic structures in the Brainstem and Midbrain have a major effect on the Cortex, or the thinking brain. Thus, people with learning and attention problems most often have disorganized brain stems and midbrains.
Once the basic reflexes and movement patterns are developed through specific exercises and activities, the outcome is seen in organized movement and behavioural patterns.
CoordiKids calls these movements sensory motor skills. They form the foundation of an organized brain. A brain ready for learning and for paying attention to tasks.