CoordiKids exercises were designed to do 5 times/week, followed by two days of rest. The exercises can be done in just fifteen minutes each day.
My child often loses interest in activities. Will CoordiKids keep him/her engaged? Because CoordiKids delivers therapy in short, frequent bursts, children tend to enjoy the courses and remain engaged. With new exercises delivered before previous ones become boring, the course is always fresh and exciting.
What will I receive with the CoordiKids course? Every two weeks, you’ll receive a new exercise that comes with an equipment list (you should be able to use materials and objects you already have – our exercises have all been adapted for home use), progress checklist, tips and hints. Throughout the course, you’ll also receive helpful emails with additional information and suggestions.
Once using CoordiKids, when can I expect to see improvements in my child and how do I know if the course is working? Rates of improvement are dependent on your child’s individual needs and the frequency with which you use CoordiKids. Because CoordiKids essentially re-trains the brain by building new pathways, it is important to repeat the same exercises 5 times/week.
Two additional days should be designated as “rest” days, which are crucial to cement new pathways. With each new exercise, you’ll begin to notice increases in your child’s coordination, ability to focus and attend to task. All of our videos include information regarding what your child should eventually attain in terms of preferred posture and ideal number of repetitions to achieve. Therefore, if your child is able to reach the targeted goal each week, you’ll know he/she is progressing appropriately. We are following the course appropriately, however my child is not making progress. What should we do?
While CoordiKids should lead to improvements for all children, we recognize that each child is different and occasionally, accommodations need to be made. If you’re experiencing difficulties, we hope you’ll contact us so we can offer additional support and/or suggest an alternate CoordiKids course that would work better for your child. After following the course for three months and contacting us with any problems, in the unlikely event you are still not satisfied and are unable to notice any improvements in your child, we will refund 100% of what you’ve paid – no questions asked.