Homeschool Course

Movement Breaks Used in Year 1-12 Homeschool Settings to Boost Student Focus

Articles on Dyspraxia &DCD

Our most-helpful articles on dyspraxia and developmental coordination disorder

Fun and Effective Online Occupational Therapy for Kids with Developmental Delays

Online occupational therapy offers personalised strategies to boost your child’s development in a fun and [...]

Dyspraxia Courses Online: Supporting Children and Adults

Here is how you can support individuals with dyspraxia, focusing on dyspraxia courses online. See [...]

10 Tips for Parenting a Special Needs Child

Don’t despair, here are 10 Tips and special needs resources to parent your special needs [...]

Success Story: Bay Terrace Early Childhood Center

We can’t say enough good things about this course. It complements our goal to enhance [...]

Image of Marga occupational therapy at home consultation

Is there a such thing as an online dyspraxia test?

There is no simple “dyspraxia test” to diagnose a child’s motor skills symptoms. It’s important to get a very detailed, whole view of each child’s symptoms and struggles.The first place to go is your paediatrician or GP. They’ll evaluate his general motor planning abilities.  And, if they see any signs, they’ll refer to a team of other experts. Together, a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, and speech and language therapist will assess your child.We use CoordiKids’ virtual programs and TeleHealth to work with families, collaborating with care teams – we are competent to assess virtually.This has come quite in handy for families in remote parts of the world, and now with quarantine procedures as well.

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CoordiKids’ Home Courses

Virtual, Therapeutic Exercises for Children with Dyspraxia or DCD