
CoordiKids Home Course

Transform your child’s life with our help for ADHD and Autism, Dyspraxia, Sensory Processing, Learning, Coordination, and Sports.

  • A year of developmentally sequenced exercises by OTs,
  • 26 Sets of online video exercises,
  • 8 – 9 Exercise-videos in a set,
  • 15 – 20 minutes per day,
  • Use online, anywhere, any time


  • Parent Tutorial.
  • Printable charts to record progress.
  • Printable rewards.
  • 15-minute Free Member consults
  • Less than $2 a day.
  •  Access all exercises instantly with an annual subscription.
  • Monthly subscription offers exercises every 2 weeks while keeping old ones available

Have Questions? Click Below to Start a Conversation!

Our Home Course in action
with member Abbie

Our Home Course in action
with member Abbie

Option 1:

(save  US $64.88)

Plus these bonuses:
Instant access to the course + 2 bonus products:

  • CoordiKids Sensory Processing Starter Pack (Value: US $29.99)
  • Master Class Sensory Modulation: Touch (Value: US $19.99)

Total value US$114.86; yours free

US$540.00 / year with a 14-day free trial

US$540.00 / year with a 14-day free trial


Option 2:

US$49.00 / month with a 14-day free trial

US$49.00 / month with a 14-day free trial


Satisfaction Guarantee

Satisfaction Guarantee

What you'll learn in this course

Movement Processing

Exercises that build muscle tone and strength, while reducing “seeking” behaviours. These exercises give your child vestibular and proprioceptive input through specific movements of the head and large muscle groups (also known as “heavy work” or “proprioceptive-vestibular” exercises). These are excellent for children who feel a constant need to move, play too rough, and seek extra pressure. Proprioceptive exercises have also been shown to be effective at building motor skills, coordination, emotional regulation, and even alertness.

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Motor Skills

Exercises that improve balance and coordination. Better motor skills encourage balance, whole body movements, and better control over fingers and hands. Improvements in these foundational skills lead to improvements in sitting still, posture, core muscles and subsequently to handwriting, grasp and grip, and more confidence in group play activities.

Brain Bridging

Exercises that help coordinate movement on both sides of the body at once. This is an essential developmental skill for activities like walking, running, biking, marching, dancing, and more. The slow beat of many exercises encourages attention, and self regulation.

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Exercises that promote distinguishing left from right. These exercises help establish a dominant hand and improve awareness of directions. This is an important foundational skill for reading, writing, spelling, as well as playing sports.

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Posture and Balance

Exercises that build muscle tone and core strength. These will improve your child’s ability to sit still properly in a chair/desk without slouching. This is an important foundational skill for handwriting and paying attention in class. Additionally, this level focuses on balance exercises to help your child in his/her everyday routine. The ability to get dressed, stand still in line at school, and participate in group activities in sport will all be improved by the activities in this level.

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Rhythmic exercises build concentration, emotional regulation, and improve memory. To stay on a beat, especially a slow beat, builds concentration, attention to task, emotional regulation, and working memory.


Exercises that engage the part of the brain responsible for mental planning and physical organization. Creating fluid, well-planned and executed movements enables children to follow sequences. This translates to improving a child’s ability to follow instructions, plan and complete homework, and keep themselves and their belongings organised.

Applied Sensory Motor Skills

The development of all the skills in Levels 1 to 7 create improved functions in daily tasks such as manipulating a pencil, handwriting, scissor skills, using an effective upright posture, emotional regulation, planning, and subsequently academic skills and executive functioning.

Satisfaction Guarantee

We guarantee a full refund within the first 7 days of your purchase, without any questions asked, to ensure a risk-free experience for you.

Marinet VanVuren
Marinet VanVuren
2 years ago
CoordiKids is a wonderful evidence-based fun and intensive occupational therapy program that lays down the very important sensory and motor foundation skills. I highly recommend it especially for children requiring a more intensive approach - it’s fun and the repetitive exercises capitalise on the neuroplasticity of the brain.
Aimee Engler
Aimee Engler
2 years ago
I'm so happy with Coordikids. My daughter is neurodivergent and was diagnosed with low muscle tone when a baby. Since then she's been 'weak' and lethargic and this has impacted her daily life and activities. After hearing Marga at a conference I contacted her on the off-chance that she might be able to help. I started Coordikids and instantly saw a change - she craves the extra sensory input and clearly needs it. Since starting she has had far more energy and enthusiasm for life, and participates and engages more. When I first present the fortnight's exercises she's never thrilled (because it's something new) however we quickly make the exercises silly and fun. She always asks for Coordikids and is very disappointed when it's our days off (though we do some of her favourite exercises anyway, so she's pretty happy). I'm also loving that extra time I get to spend with her daily.
Bonnie Black
Bonnie Black
2 years ago
The exercises are really easy, lots of fun and I could see a positive change in my kids’ behaviour after just two weeks. This should be in schools daily to improve focus, behaviour and cognitive development.
Rini Hanekom
Rini Hanekom
2 years ago
CoordiKids courses are easy to use and do not require preparation. My children both completed the Home Course. Their formal schooling began with a solid foundation on which they will build in the future. All children will benefit from CoordiKids courses.
See All Reviews

Smart children
can struggle with

  • Anxiety
  • Toileting
  • Routines
  • Fidgeting
  • Meltdowns
  • Wearing clothes
  • Organize belongings
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Fine and Gross motor skills.

Smart parents
will see how children thrive with

  • Coordination
  • Self confidence
  • Improved Attention
  • Organization and Learning
  • Morning & Bedtime Routines


Complete the Sensory Processing Disorder Quiz  to determine your child’s level of need.

ADHD and Autism test

>> Take our free simplified ADHD test online if you are concerned about the difficulties your child is facing

>> Take our free simplified ADHD test online if you are concerned about the difficulties your child is facing

ADHD and Autism test

Australian families with access to NDIS

Use Capacity Building Funds to Purchase CoordiKids Courses

How to start your journey towards a competent child

your Home Course

  1. Purchase your Home Course
  2. Click on Buy Here
  3. Enter the buyer information required
  4. Register with your preferred Username and password
  5. Complete the purchase details
  6. You are now registered with access to all the exercises
  7. Welcome! Login and start your CoordiKids journey

Satisfaction Guarantee

Our satisfaction guarantee ensures that if you encounter challenges implementing any of our courses into your schedule or if your child finds the exercises difficult to complete, you can request a refund within 7 days of your purchase without any questions asked. We aim to make your experience hassle-free and risk-free, recognizing the uncertainty of trying something new with a child. While we have successfully helped many children in similar situations to yours, we want to ensure that you feel supported as you navigate the process of finding the best solution for your family.

as a Member

  • Only 15 – 20 minutes a day.
  • Follow along therapeutic exercises.
  • Adapted for use at home or in the classroom.
  • Packaged into fun & easy-to-follow, instructional videos.
  • Progressive exercises build on developmental phases.
  • See your child’s progress from week to week.
  • Free parent tutorial, printable charts and rewards.

How to start your journey towards a competent child

your Home Course

  1. Purchase your Home Course
  2. Click on Buy Now
  3. Enter the buyer information required
  4. Register with your preferred Username and password
  5. Complete the purchase details
  6. You are now registered with access to all the exercises
  7. Welcome! Login and start your CoordiKids journey

as a Member

  • Only 15 minutes a day
  • Follow along therapeutic exercises
  • Adapted for use at home or in the classroom
  • Packaged into fun & easy-to-follow, instructional videos
  • Progressive exercises build on developmental phases
  • See your child’s progress from week to week

Satisfaction Guarantee

Our satisfaction guarantee ensures that if you encounter challenges implementing any of our courses into your schedule or if your child finds the exercises difficult to complete, you can request a refund within 7 days of your purchase without any questions asked. We aim to make your experience hassle-free and risk-free, recognizing the uncertainty of trying something new with a child. While we have successfully helped many children in similar situations to yours, we want to ensure that you feel supported as you navigate the process of finding the best solution for your family.



There is no prerequisite knowledge or special technology required to complete the course.


CoordiKids Home Courses use occupational therapy exercises, adapted for use at home, and packaged into fun, easy to follow, instructional videos. We’ve made courses easy to use with no set-up or preparation in advance: simply have access to the Internet, log in, and hit play for your child to follow along for 15 minutes a day. You’re welcome to join in to encourage and have fun with your child, too!

Our Home Course offer specialist exercises to support Sensory Processing Disorder symptoms, motor skills and coordination challenges, learning disabilities, and Attention Deficits by sequentially developing Sensory Motor Skills, Fine Motor Skills and to improve functions in Dyspraxia, Attention Deficits and Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Meet your Instructor – Marga Grey

Marga has served as a pediatric occupational therapist for over 40 years, specializing in sensory integration, developmental delays, learning and attention problems. She has worked in both private and public settings. To make sure she is giving the best advice possible she collaborates regularly with allied health professionals, medical professionals and regularly exceeds the professional development hours to be registered at the Health Registration Board.
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Members Feedback

It was clear my young daughter had sensory challenges. We had tried various OT interventions, but the CoordiKids videos have helped tremendously.

Her teacher let us know after 2 weeks that she was performing much better. She surprises even herself on the playground now with some of the things she couldn’t do before but now has no fear to try. I couldn’t recommend these courses more! 

Michelle, Parent & OT/Australia

We are making good use of the CoordiKids program and my sons’ teacher has noticed an improvement in some of the challenges that he’s been facing when it comes to his visual motor coordination. We are currently on Home Sensory
Motor Skills, C5.

Mark, Parent/Australia

CoordiKids has helped me a lot. I started out by being distracted in class, and I was also afraid of heights. After starting CoordiKids, I’ve started doing better in class, and I help more around the house. One time I went to the park and I noticed that my fear of heights had lessened and I was able to do more.

Ruby, Child/Australia

We are completely blown away with the results of the Coordikids courses. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that we would see the results that we have so far.

Trudie, Parent/Australia

We started with my daughter in Year 1. We are on the second week now and she loves it! She complains when it is done for the day!

Anna, Parent/Australia

My son is on Week 15. He’s now able to ride a bicycle without practice wheels and rides a 7km trail with us. My boy loves the program – he calls it Kid Gym Routine.

Sam, Parent/Australia

I love your program! It’s been so fantastic for my son. We’re taking a bit longer to get through the exercises, but it’s provided us with some really fun times together, as well as really improving his motor skills, coordination and emotional regulation. Thank you!!

Elley, Parent/USA

Fabulous! Earlier this morning, we did CoordiChild and then sat down and did verbs/nouns = nailed it!!!!!!! She does find the CoordiChild exercises easy to complete (slowly and focused) but I can honestly see the benefit in them.

Karen, Parent/USA

Members Feedback

It was clear my young daughter had sensory challenges. We had tried various OT interventions, but the CoordiKids videos have helped tremendously.

Her teacher let us know after 2 weeks that she was performing much better. She surprises even herself on the playground now with some of the things she couldn’t do before but now has no fear to try. I couldn’t recommend these courses more!

Michelle, Parent & OT/Australia

We are making good use of the CoordiKids program and my sons’ teacher has noticed an improvement in some of the challenges that he’s been facing when it comes to his visual motor coordination. We are currently on Home Sensory
Motor Skills, C5. 

Mark, Parent/Australia

CoordiKids has helped me a lot. I started out by being distracted in class, and I was also afraid of heights. After starting CoordiKids, I’ve started doing better in class, and I help more around the house. One time I went to the park and I noticed that my fear of heights had lessened and I was able to do more.

Ruby, Child/Australia

We are completely blown away with the results of the Coordikids courses. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that we would see the results that we have so far.

Trudie, Parent/South Africa

We started with my daughter in Year 1. We are on the second week now and she loves it! She complains when it is done for the day!

Anna, Parent/Australia

My son is on Week 15. He’s now able to ride a bicycle without practice wheels and rides a 7km trail with us. My boy loves the program – he calls it Kid Gym Routine.

Sam, Parent (Australia)

I love your program! It’s been so fantastic for my son. We’re taking a bit longer to get through the exercises, but it’s provided us with some really fun times together, as well as really improving his motor skills, coordination and emotional regulation. Thank you!!

Elley, Parent/USA

Fabulous! Earlier this morning, we did CoordiChild and then sat down and did verbs/nouns = nailed it!!!!!!! She does find the CoordiChild exercises easy to complete (slowly and focused) but I can honestly see the benefit in them.

Karen, Parent/USA