The Sensory Processing Disorder symptoms in adults can reveal itself in different ways. As adults, we all have preferences and sensitivities. Some love activity, the hustle and bustle of people and loud music whilst other will experience sensory overload..
Others love a quiet hour with a book and feel uncomfortable in noisy places with people moving around is some of the symptoms of sensory overload.
Environmental factors also play a role in sensory processing issues.Some cope well in an open plan office, others prefer the quiet behind a closed door.
Adults can have sensory processing disorder symptoms that present as sensitivities to specific sensations
Some adults are more sensitive to specific sensations than others. This can be so much so that the sensitivity interferes with their daily life. I have met adults that cannot handle the sounds in a quiet exam room.
For example a sensory input like the sound of pens on paper, of people breathing and of the movement of others in the room. All those things are too much for them and interfere with concentration and focused attention are signs and symptoms of persons experiencing sensory overload.
I know children and adults with extreme sensitivity to others chewing food, e.g. others eating popcorn in a movie or flashing lights which can trigger sensory overload.
Furthermore, other adults are extremely sensitive to smells. So, they refuse to spend time in some public places because of the smells.
They might be sensitive to textures in clothes and would avoid these textures when buying clothes. Often, they take labels and tags off before wearing a new garment.
Adults have choices regarding activities
Many adults with SPD cope well in everyday life. However, being an adult, they have choices. They can choose their work environment, the activities they attend and the tasks they are involved in.
Children with spd do not have these choices. Therefore, symptoms of SPD are more readily identified in childhood. The effect of SPD, and the struggles of a Sensory Processing Disorder adult are the same as in childhood.
Parents often relate to SPD in the child
When I explain sensory processing disorder (SPD) to parents after assessing a child, often one of the parents will indicate that they experience the same sensitivities as the child. They are often relieved to hear why they have different reactions from other adults.
And, they are pleased to learn that it can be addressed with strategies and some therapy interventions to help them.
Some ‘psychological’ symptoms might be SPD
Many sensory processing disorder symptoms present with others, such as anxiety. SPD is the ability to filter the sensations in the environment. If the filtering is inadequate, there are too many sensations to tend to.
Post traumatic stress disorder ptsd is also a factor to keep in consideration when evaluating symptoms of SPD.
Then, the person has a low threshold for some or all sensations. So, they present with anxiety, feelings of being overwhelmed, and avoidance of some activities.
If the filtering is too much, the person has a high threshold for sensations and might be a daydreamer. Furthermore, they could be lethargic, with low energy levels, and present with inadequate concentration.

Adults benefit from strategies
Adults can benefit hugely from intervention and strategies to assist them in everyday life. These will reduce anxiety and often self-esteem.
Furthermore, strategies can assist with relationships with family members. Strategies may involve environmental modifications, and might be simple but beneficial.
For example:
- choose a calming screen saver,
- use noise cancelling head phones, and
- have regular movement breaks that involves targeted exercises.
The strategies depend on the adult’s specific sensory profile.
What can adults with SPD do?
Find occupational therapists with extensive experience in sensory integration techniques and in SPD. The therapist will ask you to complete a questionnaire to identify your sensory profile, complete with your personal sensory processing disorder symptoms.
A sensory profile enables a therapist to assist you with specific strategies to address SPD. The strategies are usually easy to implement.
A family sensory profile
A sensory profile of each member of the family is valuable to identify differences among sensory processing disorder symptoms between family members. It usually gives family members better insight in one another.
And, it makes it easier to understand the preferences, dislikes and behaviour of fellow family members. Differences and irritations among family members are often dissolved and can disappear once they understand the reason for specific behaviours in other members caused by sensory integration.
CoordiKids can help with navigating and understanding your sensory processing disorder symptoms through online consultations. Book your first free 15-minute appointment.