CoordiKids is a leading platform for parents and children to access virtual occupational therapy and support, using technology.
We offer courses that help children and families access additional academic and developmental support in areas such as:
- Encouraging optimal development of sensory and motor skills
- Therapeutic exercises and activities to ensure optimal development
- Focus on attention details and encouraging movement breaks in the classroom
- Professional support and program development that is constructed to the individual needs of the child
Now, we’re excited to announce the next extension of CoordiKids. Virtual occupational therapy via CoordiConsult!
CoordiConsult embraces the digital world, bringing even more services for your children to the comfort of your own home!
CoordiConsult offers virtual multi-disciplinary therapy from the comfort of your home!
CoordiKids and CoordiConsult have been initiated and developed by pediatric occupational therapist Marga Grey. Marga has over 40 years’ experience working with children and their families.
Marga’s work is to identify and address the challenges that children face due to a variety of reasons and / or diagnoses. CoordiKids is working with a team of providers around the world!
The close-knit, professional Team at CoordiKids is growing and expanding to meet the individual needs of your children. The focus is to deliver this support in a convenient, comfortable way. Firstly, we have a home-based virtual therapy program for families on the go.
Secondly, our classroom-based programs for teachers are very popular and well utilised. And, with the addition of CoordiConsult, individualized consultation networking for parents and educators is available. We are now ideally placed to reach even more families around the world.
Our mission is to help children facing challenges to access world class, fun and affordable virtual occupational therapy exercises and multi-disciplinary therapeutic activities anywhere, any time.
With the expansion of CoordiConsult to multi-disciplinary services, we can assist more families. We aim to increase the accessibility, quality, and affordability of therapy for struggling families.
We aim to assist families to identify the main problems and the best possible interventions. If necessary, we’ll help you even in finding the ideal services where you live!
Our gradual introduction of CoordiConsult over the past year has been warmly welcomed! Parents and educators alike have loved the convenience and accessibility of virtual therapy.
Virtual occupational therapy and consultations can offer them quality service like never before.
CoordiConsult is not just for virtual occupational therapy. We have expanded to include speech therapy and audiology. Also, dietetics and family meal counseling for difficult eaters is available. Furthermore, family counselling & psychology is on hand.
CoordiConsult offers families access to a team of practitioners from the comfort of your own home. We are revolutionizing the way families seek to grow their village of support and counsel.
By offering families and educators a team of world class and top-quality practitioners, CoordiConsult is able to do so much more.
CoordiConsult can offer a network of collaborators with different perspectives and different disciplines. Using the amazing technology available, the practitioners have regular team meetings to collaborate.
They connect to share and support each other in finding the best options for your child’s therapy.
So, Why CoordiConsult?
From Marga: There are times parents have expressed to me that they feel like something is just not right. They know that their child may need more support.
But, it is hard to know where to go or where to start. Oftentimes, parents have expressed frustration because their pediatricians and child’s teacher have not lent a helping hand and suggest to ‘just wait and see’.
Can you relate to any of these common frustrations of parents I’ve met?
I know something needs to change. I know my child is special and unique in so many ways, and I see that they are struggling to meet the demands of today’s dichotomy of the education system.
Traditional education has lost sight of the developmental needs of my child and they are struggling to catch up. I KNOW that there is something I need to do, but my child’s teacher says that everything is just fine.
We are a very busy family, both parents work, kiddo has sports and we just do not have the time to go to meetings, appointments, most therapy offices are only open during the 9-5 and there is just no way we can make that work.
Does any of the above sound familiar? Here’s the thing. When it comes to YOUR child, YOU have the right to take charge.
Take charge and take that first step to help your child and support their needs. We have your back! We have been listening, and we have come up with a solution for you!
Benefits of CoordiConsult
CoordiConsult is virtual therapy option for you and your child. It enables you to access a team of practitioners from the comfort of your own home. There are several benefits to this:
- You get to make appointments online
- There is NO traveling
- No Parking
- No waiting in reception
- Talk while the child(ren) are in bed or in school
- Consultations via phone or video
With CoordiConsult, you are not alone! We are here to help you identify WHERE to go and WHOM to go to. And furthermore, the best options for therapy and intervention.
Our excitement has been mounting, watching this amazing service come to life. To be able to offer it to parents, children and educators alike has been a long-time goal of ours.
I’m so excited to dedicate this next year to helping more families than ever via digital consultation on CoordiConsult.
~ Marga Grey
Tailored Solutions vs “One Size Fits All”
A few weeks ago, we discussed Mindfulness in the Classroom, and we pointed out some glaring issues. One is that there is often a disparity between developmental intervention in young children versus older children.
There are many resources for young children and often very little information for older children. Once the optimal period of development begins to close, many believe the opportunity to intervene is lost.
However, we know that at any age it is possible to intervene and help children with therapy.
There is no one-size-fits-all option for children, no matter the age. Each child is an individual and requires an individual approach.
By expanding from virtual occupational therapy to multi-disciplinary therapy via CoordiConsult, our hope is to help provide you with even more affordable and accessible options tailored to the needs of your individual child.
With the introduction of CoordiConsult, we will also be introducing more practitioners who are available to help with the individual needs of your child.
You spoke, and we listened. Sometime children just need a little more attention and opportunities to help them grow and develop into their best selves. CoordiConsult is just another fantastic opportunity we would like to offer you to help.
I am a full-time student; my husband works 14-hour days. I have three kids. Two are in school and the third is just two years old. My oldest is struggling and I tried occupational therapy group meetings through a referral from our pediatrician.
I just do not have the time without sacrificing something and I feel terrible, but my child comes first. I wish there was an option for online occupational therapy and something that would help my daughter (who suffers from anxiety) from the comfort of our home~ Busy mom of three
Being a parent is an amazing opportunity. We know that you are doing your very best, and you are working hard for your family. We also know that life gets busy and balancing everyone’s schedule can be tough.
CoordiConsult is now available to provide the professional support you’re looking for, on a platform that is adaptable to your schedule. So,