
Sensory Modulation: Touch

This video Master Class by Marga Grey explores Sensory Modulation:


[Lecture] Sensory Modulation: Touch

This video lecture by Marga Grey explores Sensory Modulation:

Created by: Marga Grey
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What is included in the Master Class

Your purchase includes a workbook to accompany the video for concise learning and retention, as well as to design your child’s specific sensory lifestyle plan.

It also includes a list of activities designed to strengthen your child’s comfort with variety tactile sensations.

There is no prerequisite knowledge or special technology required to complete the course.


A presentation in which Marga Grey explains the touch defensiveness and touch seeking in children. These children present with different issues such as:

  • Sensitivity around how socks fit.
  • The child might avoid dressing or might overdress for the temperature.
  • You might observe irritations, frustrations or meltdowns without apparent reasons.

The Master Class and accompanying workbook will educate the parent with knowledge and strategies to help the child. Parents share the content with family members and teachers to understand the struggles that a child may experience. Once the parent understands the condition, it is easier to seek help and describe the issues when communicating with doctors or therapists.

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is the umbrella term of different conditions called Modulation Disorders, Motor-Based Disorders and Discrimination Disorders. The Master Class on touch sensitivities or seeking behaviours explains the specific modulation disorder and its place under the umbrella of SPD. It affects children and adults in daily tasks and activities. Empower yourself to assist children or others in your life by understanding the condition.

We can help the child with insignificant strategies (Marga named them band-aids). However, you can support your child with so much more. Your purchase includes a workbook to accompany the video for concise learning and retention, as well as to design your child’s specific sensory lifestyle plan.

It also includes a worksheet to help design your family goals.

Why Does it Work?

The presentation or Master Class contains a wealth of information. A workbook individualizes issues to support the child effectively at home and in the classroom.

You will gain knowledge and strategies to implement.

The workbook is easy to use and to identify strategies that will work. Your identified family goals will help you share your needs with doctors and therapists.

US $19.99 Purchase Now

Master Class Sensory Modulation: Touch is

Easy to understand.

Prepared with care for parents.

Transform parents to be informed and knowledgeable.

The pack includes activities and strategies to implement at home.

Nobody knows a child as well as a parent does. 

Once the parent and teacher understand the condition, they are empowered to support the child and guide the professionals.

[Lecture] Sensory Modulation: Touch is

Easy to understand.

Prepared with care for parents.

Transform parents to be informed and knowledgeable.

The pack includes activities and strategies to implement at home.

Nobody knows a child as well as a parent does. 

Once the parent understands the condition, they are empowered to support the child and guide the professionals.

Master Class Providing the ability to respond appropriately to sensory information

This helpful Master Class and workbook will equip the parent with knowledge
and strategies to help their child with sensory processing disorders.

[Lecture] Sensory Modulation: Touch

This video lecture by Marga Grey explores Sensory Modulation:

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Marga Grey
pediatric occupational therapist

Marga has served as a pediatric occupational therapist for over 40 years, specializing in sensory integration, developmental delays, learning and attention problems. She has worked in both private and public settings. To make sure she is giving the best advice possible she collaborates regularly with allied health professionals, medical professionals and regularly exceeds the professional development hours to be registered at the Health Registration Board. Read More

Book a Consultation with Marga



Marga Grey
pediatric occupational therapist

Marga has served as a pediatric occupational therapist for over 40 years, specializing in sensory integration, developmental delays, learning and attention problems. She has worked in both private and public settings.


To make sure she is giving the best advice possible she collaborates regularly with allied health professionals, medical professionals and regularly exceeds the professional development hours to be registered at the Health Registration Board. Read More

Book a Consultation with Marga

Members feedback

“I have been following CoordiKids for a long time and it is an amazing home-based program for OT exercises. There are many benefits of this program and it works fantastic alongside therapy.

It’s fun and super engaging. Exactly what kids need to make learning happen.”

Lize Roos from South Morang, Victoria, Australia

“My daughter is on lesson 15 and it took quite some effort to get to this point, however she has turned a corner and it seems like her coordination and core strength are finally coming together.

After one of our sessions she drew this all on her own and came to show me. So I thought I’d share it with you!”

Jessica McMurdie

“I love your program! It’s been so fantastic for my son.

We’re taking a bit longer to get through the exercises, but it’s provided us with some really fun times together, as well as really improving his motor skills, coordination and emotional regulation. Thank you!!”


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In the unlikely event that you don’t notice any improvement in your child after following one of our courses for three months as directed, we will refund your investment in CoordiKids within 7 days of being advised in writing to [email protected] want to make your journey as easy and risk free as possible because we understand the uncertainty of trying something new with a child and even though we have helped many children just like yours, we want you to feel supported as you find the best solution for your family.